June 24, 2016

Shrek - The musical

Last Thursday, June 16th the students from third, fourth and fifth grade enjoyed a special outing to the theatre.

The Stage Company presented a wonderful adaptation of Dreamworks most famous Broadway show. Winner of 14 nominations for its phenomenally succesful run at Maipo Theatre in Calle Corrientes during 2015. Awarded with 6 Hugo Awards including BEST MUSICAL, BEST PRODUCTION, BEST ACTOR, BEST NEW ACTOR, BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR, the unique Hugo de Oro Award for Lord Farquaad.

Field trips to live theater enhance literary knowledge, tolerance, and empathy among students. Students who attend live performances of a play are known to score higher and are better able to recognize and appreciate what other people think and feel.

June 14, 2016

Cooking is fun

As part of a project about recipes in English, the students of 4C prepared groupal oral presentations.

Through pictures and videos, they showed the rest of the class, how they had prepared different meals. They also brought their delicious dishes to make everybody taste their food.

We all had fun and enjoyed it very much!!