May 26, 2016

Visit to the Colon Theatre

On May 20th, 7th form students were taken to the Colon Theatre to go on a guided visit as an outside school activity. This is a traditional educational experience that has regained popularity since the theatre re-inauguration – and restoration – in 2010. The tour is highly appreciated by most students, because the Colon Theatre enjoys immense prestige, and its beauty, historical and cultural values arouse interest.

The educational visit organised by Textura Cultural offered an integrated experience in which English was the vehicular language to develop intercultural skills. The experience consists in an introductory talk with the students, materials and resources, and a guided visit in English at the theatre. The materials are intended to facilitate the integration of language learning and content related to the theatrical space and Argentine history, considering the script of the visit was written by historians. This educational visit has value as an instance of cultural self-awareness towards intercultural competence. Furthermore,it involves many senses and emotion, and it develops the sense of observation as well as interpersonal communication.

May 19, 2016


Andrea Caillon, a very well-known storyteller, came to Norbridge Saavedra last Monday, May 16th, to share her wonderful stories with our lower form students.

Storytelling has enormous benefits. It develops creativity, intelligence and feelings. It stimulates the language and a good sense of humour and it also helps the listener to learn about conflicts and find a boarder line between imagination and reality.

Moreover, it also creates a special bond with the audience and it teaches to listen and to share.

It has been a pleasure to listen to her magic stories!

Together for good

Last Saturday, May14th, Saavedra and Del Viso schools joined to spend a solidary Family Day in Pilar.

Celebrating Family Day is important to us because it is a chance to stand in unity with families in our community who share in the challenges, struggles and successes that come with family life. It gives families and their children a chance to spend quality time with their loved ones by participating in fun activities together at school.

Teachers, families and children actively participated in activities related to charity causes such as “Un techo para mi país”, and donations were also collected for “Comedor Casita de Sol”.

Simple daily activities such as sharing a meal, a conversation, or an outdoor activity can have an enormous impact on the life of a child. Strong and engaged families help build a strong community.

May 12, 2016

Playing with sounds

The students from Junior 1 B had fun playing a memory game in which they had to match sounds and pictures.
They worked with phonics. The goal of phonics is to enable beginning readers to decode new written words by sounding them out. 



May 10, 2016

Creative and Healthy Fun Food!

We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of healthy and unhealthy food after watching a video about a new invention called "Pizza Box".
Afterwards, the students had to design and describe a new creation in favour of healthy food. Some of them created a new menu, others an oven which reduced calories and some others a box made out of vegetables.
In this way, the students engaged in the discussion and could finally be the inventors of their own productions.